Case Study: New GM Leads Mine Turnaround in Canada

Stratum understands the importance of a mine’s General Manager. The Case Study below details a Mining Recruitment project we managed for a client in Canada – hiring a top-tier General Manager.


  • The incumbent increased production by 60% within six months, achieving the highest quarterly production and EBITDA in 15 years.
  • Spearheaded the stabilisation of the management team and the installation of operating standards and practices.
  • Developed capital and an operating plan to achieve an additional 20% production target within 12 months.
  • Re-established safety systems and cleared overdue ministry safety orders to improve site safety performance and restore trust with regulators.
  • Successfully led negotiations to settle an expired union agreement.
  • Advanced negotiations with the indigenous nation.

Download Stratum-Case-Study-GM-Mine-Turaround-Canada.pdf (1122 downloads) to read more.