The Chair’s role has evolved from being a mere figurehead to that of a guardian and ambassador for the organisation. Chairs are now tasked with defining the business’s purpose and culture, bearing significant responsibility for the organisation’s overall well-being. A strong Chair fosters candid and productive interactions with the CEO, promoting talent development. Beyond years of experience, successful Chairs must add significant value around culture, leadership, and accountability.

NEDs are appointed to address specific gaps in board expertise and must offer value beyond their core capabilities. Stratum seeks NED candidates who can actively engage in constructive challenges related to critical business issues such as sustainability, leadership, governance, financial performance, and stakeholder management. Whilst they may not be experts in all areas, they should possess awareness and the ability to ask the right questions. Stratum also considers factors like “overboarding” and market reaction to appointments, ensuring a thoughtful and impactful selection process.

Board Dynamix™ is a bespoke Board assessment product developed by Stratum to help your board perform at the highest level, now and in the future.

High-functioning boards have a variety of competencies and roles that directors play. If your members are over-indexed in one area, it can cause inefficiency and conflict.

Our psychometric assessments give Stratum invaluable insight into your board dynamics. It allows us to review and assess your current directors’ strengths and development areas from a cultural perspective and identify where there might be a particular skill or gap within personality traits.

The unexpected departure of a board member can be devastating. It can have a catastrophic impact on share price, market perception and the morale of the company. Having a rigorous succession plan in place significantly reduces the turbulence of executive departures. In addition to executive leadership succession planning, a robust plan for your board is essential to ensure continuity and efficiency.

The success of a newly appointed executive or board member is not purely attributable to their ability to perform in their role but also how they can influence, adapt, and impact the organisation at a cultural level. From initial hiring to understanding team dynamics, Stratum can help. We used a variety of tools and assessments administered by our trained in-house team that we can tailor to suit any stage of an employee’s life cycle.

The unexpected departure of an executive can be devastating. It can have a catastrophic impact on operations, market perception and the morale of the company. Having a rigorous succession plan in place significantly reduces the turbulence of executive departures. In addition to executive leadership succession planning, a robust plan for your board is essential to ensure continuity and efficiency.

Stratum supports our clients in developing and implementing effective inclusion and diversity strategies which unlock real business value and mirror our own belief in the value of diverse thought.

Stratum works beyond identifying current board and executive-level leadership; we have a strong focus on spotting up-and-coming talent from all sectors and geographies; we tap into potential, unrestricted by age, gender, ethnicity, or background.